Horizontal and vertical factors of unity
There are many factors of unity. In some cases, this is a collaboration in comfortable and cozy circumstances.
In some cases - when the thunder booms and a common misfortune knocks on the door.
Mutual internal attraction increases depending on the pressure and external stress.
I don't know under what conditions we are getting closer, but I suspect that during times of trouble and distress, people become simpler. It is much easier for us to cross the familiar barriers that separated us in the good times.
A man needs a man. Feeling of comradeship. Internal solidarity in order to overcome the crisis conditions. In the name of ordinary, simple survival.
The most important thing in such conditions is to preserve human dignity. Do not get hardened. Do not go wild. Do not go down to the instinctive level of animals. Curb yourself and do not lose your composure.
As you can see, this is a horizontal level of reasoning about unity. The most relevant and most important. But this is still a secondary level. And the primary level is a factor of vertical unity with the One on which everything depends. This is the first thing. Everything else is second.
This is where we must be especially careful in order to maintain the balance and priority of the rules.
“You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:27).
Peace with God and oneness with Him will help us to have peace and oneness with the people around us. That is why it is so important at this time to abide in prayer and in the Word.
Thank God for modern technology, thanks to which we can be together even at a distance.
Welcome to the site of interlocking ties both horizontally and vertically.
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