When two or three are collected, but the third is superfluous

With these three young people, our paths suddenly intertwined in contrast. Each of them both excited and surprised me in its own way. And despite the fact that they are probably strangers to each other, we were on the same platform with them. At a creative crossroads. In one boat. Real acquaintance with real talented people always enriches and keeps you on your toes.

Part one

So, the first hero of our three - Uldis Zaharans.

This is a unique talented young man, who was United by fate with the" New generation " at the beginning of the 90's. A lot of water has flowed since then. And not only leaked, but also carried away. On different shores. In different countries. A couple of years ago, Uldis reminded me of himself by giving me his book. In fact, this is his difficult autobiography. Honest and Frank.

But just recently, he gave a second unexpected gift. Poetic. To be honest, I was shocked.

Thank you very much, Uldis! Much respect. Continue in the same spirit. Believe me, this will bring both comfort and blessing to many people. Get ready, the author's evenings are already looking forward to you.

Part two. Artem Kulaev

The second hero of our three. A musician from Irkutsk, with whom we once again contacted. We wrote off and agreed to have a creative exchange of views. I must admit, as in the previous case, I was pleasantly surprised.

Still, there is continuity in nature. No, not from under a stick, but organically, naturally and naturally. Kindred spirits will meet in any case. It has its own gravity. Here are a couple of options for self-tracking already known hits of the inventory item.

Not an ounce of falseness. It's real. It penetrates through and reaches the heart.

Keep it up. Great creative success. I wish you fresh inspiration and anointing, Artem.

May the Lord do much more than we ask and think.

As you can see, I was really excited with the first two guys.
Not because my music was played there. It is impressive and exciting to have a deep understanding of the revelations that are hidden in both rhymes and musical genres.
There was an unexpected contact of kindred souls.

But as for the third participant, I don't even know where to start.

Part three. Mr. X

Most likely, he is also a creative person. Inventive, but in a slightly different field.

Mr. X is an aspiring religious con artist. Banal and primitive level.
Under the guise of well-known names, God, children, shelters for the homeless, the bastard makes his living. Playing on human pity and manipulating religious concepts, he extorts money from naive and simple people.

If in the first two cases my friends used a creative resource, the third antihero used only my first and last name. Your attention is drawn to his correspondence on my behalf with my friend from North Dakota.

Thank God that, knowing me personally, he decided to check if it was really me, or if it was just a scam. What was his surprise when the whole truth was revealed.

I also want to Express my gratitude to my friend Victor from Seattle, who helped us put everything in its place and expose another conman from the Christian community.

Dear friends, take this into consideration. When calling people to donate, pastor Alexey never practices paid prayer services of a private nature. This has never happened in thirty years. All our needs and the call to donate is official, open - what you hear during services and see on your screens, officially presented programs, and official Church accounts.

And whoever enters by another way, or, as the Scripture says, indeeed, is a thief and a robber. Everything else you can safely consider as a Scam and religious fraud, which we have nothing to do with.

In conclusion, I would like to thank both Uldis and Artem for their kinship. For the community of Evangelical themes and interests. God bless you. And may It make up for any and all of your shortcomings. I love and bless you!

But I don't envy the third antihero of our current trio. You're a pathetic, miserable, moral freak. There is nothing secret that is not made clear. The Lord will one day expose you and you will choke on these poor, squeezed, hard-earned earnings. It is terrible to fall into the hands of the Living God. You yourself will be the victim of a more vile scam and fraud if you don't repent. For what a man sows, he will reap. I feel sorry for you.

This concludes this difficult and contrasting post. Let each of us learn our lessons and draw the right conclusions.

With whom and where, what road,
To what cities, right from the doorstep.
Don't be naive, for God's sake,
Watch yourself, keep your eyes open.

Not that it's scary, but rather dangerous
Wait for manna from the sky and live in vain.
Life will fly by, tears, raptures,
Avarice and envy will end in the morgue.

Keep your eyes open, the sky will tell you,
The sky will comfort you, show you the way,
Keep your eyes peeled, eyes will meet
Face to face, the barriers will collapse.

On the wings of the dawn we will soar above the earth,
He will say: look, you're with Me now,
I open my Kingdom to you,
It's not for everyone.

The third may be superfluous.


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