The ideas of humanism or Christocentrism. Pictures of the future. The processes of God from the standpoint of their victorious completion
The spiritual hybrid warfare does not stop day or night.
Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, as indeed the Pharisees. Since then, little has changed. Disfiguring and distorting God's truth, they try to authoritatively present an alternative to the New Testament teaching.
While wise and decent people are modestly silent, modern scribes and Pharisees continue to seduce people's consciousness, shifting the emphasis of the worldview of Christians from the theocratic model to humanism.
It was Christocentrism yesterday. This service to God yesterday was considered good manners. His revelations, His standards of holiness and righteousness. Standards of the kingdom of God on earth. Hallowed be thy name!!! Thy kingdom come! It was yesterday that Christians sought first of all the Kingdom of God and its truth. Today this topic is in the background.
Hybrid Information Warfare is trying to mix God's faith with modern philosophy. Remove the Creator and deify the creation.
Today, the doctrine is being liberalized, and the MAN is at the center. His rights. His freedom. His whims and lusts. Everything dances around him. The ideas of humanism create a new pseudo-Christian society, where in the center are people who are categorically opposed to the will of God. Where rebellion and lawlessness is called freedom.
Now they are dictating to God what to do and what not to do. Now they are seeking the Lord to dance to their tune. Teachers are chosen to flatter their hearing. Not only that, they label everyone and put their religious diagnosis.
Today we are at the crossroads. Christocentrism or humanism. Who will be at the center of our theology is Christ and the Commandments or human rights. Each of us will have to answer this question. Humanism turns the church into capricious children who are trying to rotate the whole world around themselves.
“But to whom shall I liken this generation? He is like children sitting on the street and turning to his comrades,
They say: “we played the flute to you, and you did not dance; we sang sad songs to you, and you did not cry.
For John came, neither eats nor drinks; and they say: "there is a demon in him."
The Son of Man has come, eating and drinking; and they say: "here is a man who loves to eat and drink wine, a friend to tax collectors and sinners." And wisdom is justified by her children” (Matt. 11:16-19).
Information hybrid warfare is not the time when churches are being destroyed, but priests are being eliminated. This is the time when they are simply actively recruited and reprogrammed. By abolishing supernatural content, they translate service to the cultural and philosophical psychological level.
Sacred spiritual management of the Church from God's hands smoothly passes into human hands.
And as a result, the Church not only weakens, but, in the end, turns into a hostile camp, in relation to the Creator. This is the masterpiece of humanism in the territory of the Kingdom of God.
It was yesterday that God was at the center of our lives. The laws of the kingdom of God and the commandment.
Now in the center of our attention is man. His rights. His whims. Whims and lusts
“...We played the flutes for you, and you did not dance; we sang sad songs for you, and you did not cry” (Matt. 11:17).
The reoriented and reprogrammed God's people reared up against the program of the Kingdom of God represented by Jesus. After the first service they drove out. And they even wanted to kill. He came to his own, but they did not accept Him. That is why Paul is warning us so seriously.
“For there will be a time when they will not accept sound teachings, but they will choose teachers to their own whims, which would flatter the hearing;
And they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn to fables.
But be vigilant in everything, endure sorrows, do the work of an evangelist, do your service” (2 Tim. 4:3-5).
In short, the topic is much more serious than we think.
Therefore, do not stay away, get involved. So that what happened to that people will not happen to us either. The time is short. The main thing is that the Lord's Day does not take us by surprise.
Your attention is the last service of the Idea of Humanism or Christocentrism.
Pictures of the future. The processes of God from the standpoint of their victorious completion.
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