Faith and philosophy. Nature of origin and objects of worship
Faith and philosophy. They are almost like twin sisters. It would seem, well, why heat up and thicken the clouds. Radish horseradish is not sweeter. But this is only at first glance. An in-depth study of these categories will present us with a completely different picture. And not only the study of this revelation, life itself will one day prove it to us. That is what Paul is warning us about.
“Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him,
Being rooted and established in Him and strengthened in the faith, as you are taught, succeeding in it with thanksgiving.
See, brethren, that no one may carry you away with philosophy and empty seduction, according to human tradition, according to the elements of the world, and not according to Christ ”(Col. 2: 6-8).
Why is such an educated and enlightened Paul, who in no way can be called a limited, religious fanatic, warn us about the dangers of the influence of philosophy? What is its destructive effect? And what is its real danger???
Liberal and tolerant theologians, of course, will grin and indulgently go over the page: again, these underdeveloped religious sectarians are trying to scare us. In fact, no one scares anyone. And the very fact of irritation and confrontation testifies to us that the conflict between real faith and philosophy, of course, exists. What Paul proclaims in almost every epistle.
"The truth of God is revealed in him from faith to faith, as it is written: "the righteous will live by faith."
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of people who suppress the truth by unrighteousness.
For, what you can know about God is manifest to them, because God revealed to them.
For His invisible, His eternal power and the Divine, from the creation of the world through the consideration of creations are visible, so that they are unrequited.
But how they, having known God, did not glorify Him as God, and did not thank, but became vain in their mindsets, and their senseless heart was darkened;
Calling themselves wise they went mad
And the glory of the imperishable God was changed into an image similar to a corruptible man, and birds, and four-legged, and reptiles, -
So God betrayed them in the lusts of their hearts to uncleanness, so that they corrupted their bodies themselves.
They replaced the truth of God with a lie, and worshiped, and served the creature instead of the Creator, who is blessed forever, amen” (Rom. 1: 17-25).
The danger is that philosophy of any kind, in relation to the faith of God, has an alternative spiritual nature of its origin.
Not philosophizing about Him, but believing in Him, we know ourselves and the world around us. Not by philosophizing, but by believing, we receive our salvation. He who believes will be saved, and he who does not believe will be condemned. And what does it mean - will not believe? And this means he will philosophize and declare alternative points of view.
Why is philosophy dangerous? It will allow you to study history, religion, culture, psychology, physiology, paganism, atheism and occultism, but by no means the Creator. Philosophy will allow to some extent to know the creation. But he will never allow him to know the One who created all this.
Faith recognizes the Source and worships the Creator. And philosophy, consciously departing from the Source, worships the creature instead of the Creator. By deliberately deifying the creation in all its diversity, and stars, and plants, and mountains, and animals, and birds, etc., philosophy creates a cult of material things.
In fact, abolishing the authority of the Creator, earthly, spiritual, and demonic philosophy declares war on Him.
By abolishing the Creator and the Creator as a true source of reliable information about the Universe, representatives of philosophical schools try to present us with their own, alternative picture of the world.
That is why, fully understanding the tragic danger of secular philosophy, the apostle Paul warns us of this danger.
You will be able to learn more about this revelation in more detail by looking at our last ministry called Faith and Philosophy. Nature of origin and objects of worship.
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