Faith and philosophy. Human Rights or God's Commandments

“Thy throne, God, forever; the rod of righteousness is the rod of the kingdom.
You loved the truth and hated lawlessness, therefore anointed you, God, your God as the oil of joy more than your accomplices” (Psalm 45:6-7).

“You have exalted Your Word above all Your name” (Psalm 138:2).

At the beginning of all our reasoning, there are several fundamental principles of scripture.

The highest value of the kingdom of God is the constitution of the kingdom of God or the commandment of God. The commandments in the Kingdom are higher than the rights of His fellow citizens. As long as you keep the commandments, your rights are reserved. But as soon as the Constitution is violated, the Kingdom's judiciary will prosecute all violators, by law.

Faith based on the commandments of God forms the worldview of the Kingdom of God, which Scripture calls righteousness.

And Philosophy, focused on protecting the rights of violators of the Law of God, forms the worldview of this world, which Scripture calls lawlessness.

A righteous heart always speaks of the commandments of God. A lawless heart will always speak of its rights. The righteous will live by faith, and the wicked will defend his rights using the philosophy of all stripes.

The supreme value of this world is the rights of a sinful person. Human rights in this world are above the commandment of God. That is why there has never been and never will be peaceful coexistence between the faith of God and philosophy.

You ask: at what point did the first shoots of philosophy arise? If philosophy came much later, what was that moment?
The Word of God affirms that the first conflict between creation and the Creator did not occur on earth. It occurred on the territory of heavenly civilization.

“And there was a war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought against them,
But they did not resist, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven.
And the great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole universe, was cast out to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him” (Rev. 12:7-9).

And there was a war in heaven ... How did it start? From the moment when lawlessness appeared in the bowels of the free will of the anointed Cherub. "As long as there was no lawlessness in you."

Lawlessness is a program designed either to bypass the law or to flagrant violation of it. By proclaiming equal rights, in fact, Lucifer planned a coup and a change of power. Under the slogans of equality, in fact, a war broke out for primacy.
In practice, this was the first revolution under the slogan Down with the Tsar and the autocracy!!! Down with theocratic order!!!!! Long live free democratic elections!!!! Down with God's obsolete commandments, long live free civil rights!!!!!

Here is the launching pad of all the philosophical theological schools of all times. The ancestor and founder of which was the fallen Cherub.

In heaven, the revolution did not pass.
The equal rights movement choked with disgrace.
The coup attempt failed miserably.

The Lord did not protect and will never protect the rights of violators of the Law.
He defended and will defend the Law of the Commandments, as the Constitution of His Own Kingdom. For at the heart of any strong state is not just the Law, but the Law, protected and untouchable.

When a rebellious creation tries to proclaim its rights over the Commandments, the Creator will declare His rights to criminally prosecute violators of the Constitution, and restore the Theocratic order in the territory of His Kingdom.

I highly recommend watching this service. As you know, this is not just motivation or encouragement. This revelation is a worldview, for spiritually mature and key ministers of recent times.


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