Those who seek you and love your salvation. The Saved and the redeemed
” Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: let such as love thy salvation say continually, The LORD be magnified.” (Psalm. 40:16).
We continue to study this important topic - “Salvation of the saved, life-long process”. Salvation is not hard labor, and those saved are not hacks. Here is their portrait, as realistic and true as possible: rejoicing, having fun, seeking, loving, and talking unceasingly about God's glory. God, help the saved ones once to taste how good the Lord is and to soar above the gray, meaningless, religious life.
Everything that we do not value will one day leave our life. All that remains is what really brought pleasure, and what we really appreciated. Though with a plus sign, even with a minus sign. The source of true satisfaction will determine our future, no matter whether these values are material or spiritual. For whoever is defeated by whom is the slave.
Make sure that your faith or, in general, Christianity does not turn into a hobby, into a short-term hobby. In part of a culture or national tradition. Religion and salvation are incompatible concepts. The only way to heaven is God's living faith.
We will never defend in life what is of secondary value to us. That is why, most of all, keep your heart, where the sources of life come from. So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. The more the day is filled, the more the whole life will be filled.
So let the main treasure for us be Christ, the Redeemer who gave us the future. And who has prepared for us an everlasting inheritance stored in heaven. So let our greatest treasure be the revelations about the Kingdom of God that transform our lives and prepare us for the Second coming. What are we primarily looking for today? What are we hunting? What are we gathering?
The word says: seek the Lord when you can find him, and call when He is near.
We bring to your attention Those who Seek You and love your salvation.
The saved and redeemed.
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