Israel. Church. Kingdom of God

The year 2020 is gaining momentum. The events are contrasting, but what is remarkable - in the context of all the main revelations that have been heard recently from the church chair. In-depth familiarity with the reality of the kingdom of God. With His culture and etiquette. Acquaintance with our rightful legacy stored in heaven. Determination of its coordinates on the territory of the Kingdom of God. Preparing for the Second Coming. And much more from this series.

I must say, the Holy Spirit, as never before, leads in that direction. It reveals precisely this most important layer of revelation. And this is the special depth, scale and beauty of the projects and programs of the Kingdom of God, against the backdrop of today's chaos and hysteria.

His leadership is a decisive factor in our ministry.

At the last service, the Lord revealed a not quite standard concept of salvation for the saved. Israel. Church. Kingdom of God. We will not go anywhere and will not be able to get around this difficult issue that affects the fate of our salvation.

The revelation of the deep relationship between the Church and Israel will help us rise above typical religious scandals and familiar historical conflicts.

Without revelations from above, we can only see hostile camps here. But in the eyes of God, Israel and the Church are like two hemispheres of the same brain. And as long as they logically interact, the head works and the world receives a blessing. But as soon as they begin to quarrel, the head ceases to work and the world begins to go crazy.

But in the future, on the territory of the Kingdom of God, they will be together. Heavenly Jerusalem and the Church, and the Beloved Only Begotten Son of God. And all three are one.

I bring to your attention a ministry on the topic of “Israel. Church and Kingdom of God.” Three whales of our Christian worldview. The fundamental foundations of our salvation. I am sure it will stir up a little and intrigue. You will not remain indifferent. If anything, you can leave your comments.


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