Faith and philosophy. What is common and what is the conflict. Clash of two ideologies
We continue to study the salvation of the saved, as well as the pitfalls of a hybrid information war against the church. This time we will talk about those who are in the first echelons of spiritual influence. The Epistle refers to the leadership of the Christian community. Will we preserve the doctrine of Christ without damaging or eroding its main practical aspects. Or we will become hostages of the modern liberalization of the gospel.
“Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him,
Being rooted and established in Him and strengthened in the faith, as you are taught, succeeding in it with thanksgiving.
See, brethren, that no one may be carried away by philosophy and empty seduction, according to human tradition, according to the elements of the world, and not according to Christ;
For in him dwells all the fullness of the Divine bodily,
And you have fullness in Him, who is the head of every authority and authority ”(Col. 2: 6-10).
As you noticed, Paul warns us about something very serious, which Christ has been warned about more than once. See that no one seduces you. For many false prophets and philosophizing teachers will appear to seduce, perhaps, the elect.
Not only our faith, but faith in Christ Jesus, faith in our inheritance in heaven may come under attack. And if in general terms, the main target of this war is our salvation. For the destruction of the faith of God is the destruction of our salvation.
In another translation, the eighth verse is translated as follows.
“Look, no matter how you find someone who would take possession of you as prey, through philosophy or empty deception.”
The greatest tragedy in life is when the redeemed and saved Christians fall victim to misinformation and the prey of a seducer. What the apostle Peter warned us about from the standpoint of his own experience.
“Sober up, watch, because your adversary the devil walks like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.
Resist him with firm faith, knowing that the same suffering happens with your brothers in the world ”(1 Pet. 5: 8-9).
The devil wants to devour, take possession of us as prey, including through false information. That is why we must be awake. Closely monitor who we allow to work on our consciousness and our beliefs. For whoever is defeated by whom is the slave.
And so that the devil does not swallow us, we must be swallowed by God
Absorbed by God, the devil can never devour. Absorbed by God are people who are saturated with the Word of God, His teachings and revelations. These are people walking into the depths of God's glory, anointing and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Rooted in Christ Jesus, knowing the wealth of the glorious heritage in heaven, have strong immunity against all the machinations of the devil. They will be annoyed by these insinuating words and all kinds of attempts to seduce and lead away from the Lord.
So, we bring to your attention - a clash of two ideologies called Faith and Philosophy. One of which was born on earth, and the other in heaven. How to detect this conflict, how to overcome it and emerge victorious - that was what was discussed at the last Sunday service.
I invite all thinking, caring, and jealous of the work of God to take part.
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