I will go into the depths of God to hear as the deep calleth unto the deep
The creative heritage of the "New generation" is a rich historical Treasury. I dream one day to organize everything there and put it on the shelves in order to leave a Golden collection of the new generation for the next generation.
Everything that is born of God will never become obsolete and will not sink into oblivion. Everything that is born of God conquers this world, because its fundamental revelations are both topical and relevant in any era and in any season.
About twenty years ago, the song I go to the depths of God was first performed during the new generation conference at the Sport Arena. Recently, quite by accident, it caught my eye. I couldn't resist. I watched it all the way through.
Call it an echo of that era, or a genre in the retro style, the language does not change. About clothes, sets, and set design, perhaps Yes. But about the message, semantic content and composition, of course, no. If this kind of arrangement were made today, it would fit into all modern standards.
Here are our roots, here is our genetics of worship and proclamation. I advise all musicians, Levites and leaders of the New Generation choir to watch this and pass it through. This is part of what worship in spirit and truth might look like. Without any commands from the stage, three thousand people are filled with the Holy Spirit, kneel and the General prayer does not stop for an hour. That's what we really need today.
To your attention, I am going into the depths of God. 20 years ago.
And now, at our 30th anniversary celebration, twenty years later,
a logical continuation of the same revelation was presented. The deep calls unto the deep.
Of course, these are already other bands, other artists, and a different stage.
Although, as you have noticed, some people, even after such a time, remained in our team.
Time is changing rapidly, so much remains undone.
And the most important thing is not to overdo it and not to descend to the level of banal religious Amateur activity.
The restoration of the Tabernacle of David will happen in any case, whether with us or without us. No word will remain powerless with God. My great desire and undying dream is to become a part of this historical process.
Not only to see the Festivals of worship in the Central stadiums of the capital cities, but to become their direct, worthy participants.
That's why we try to keep the bar high at all costs, both professionally and spiritually, no matter what happens around us.
Your attention is given a unique opportunity to travel through time under the auspices - I go to the depths of God to hear the deep calling unto the deep.
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