A prophetic look at the current events

“Surely the Lord God does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken! Who can but prophesy? “ (Amos 3: 7-8).

It is God's will for us to get ahead of events, and not to be held hostage by surging circumstances.

The more often the situation catches us by surprise, the more often we feel like a sucker. God's servants should see a little further, and understand a little more than everyone else.

You have been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but they, by the way, have not been given. God reveals the future to some set of people, and deliberately hides it from some other.

The latest upheaval is an examination of the spiritual maturity of the church. And how important it is to hear what the spirit says to the churches.

Firstly, the ongoing seminars tagged "Revelations of the last days." Well, how relevant are they now. It began long before society began to have a fever.

And then the March forum tagged “Restoring and healing the society” and the main topic ws co-incidentally about coronovirus and vaccinations - is it not a timely, preventive event?

Well, being ahead of events, is a great blessing even if it isn’t by much distance ahead.

But if we should go a little more into details about the modern viral pandemic, there were those who spoke about this much earlier.

I mean Rodney Howard Brown, who for ten years talked about the impending disaster. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. This is what he said at one of his last services.

I have been talking about what is coming for more than ten years. The people in our church are ready for this. Therefore, nothing of what is happening now is a surprise to me. Every god of America has fallen - sport has fallen, Hollywood has fallen, television shows canceled. Even the god of some mega churches fell, these churches are empty today. I have warned us for years that churches will disappear in one night.

Imagine, ten years ago, no one took such prophecies seriously.
Not at all. Those who have ears to hear let them hear the unique facts Howard Brown presents to our attention.

I hold in my hands the Rockefeller organization document, which was published in 2010. Here is the script that is being played out. What is happening now is not an accident; everything was planned. Bill Gates talked about the pandemic four years ago. The document is called “Scenario for Future Technology and International Development,” 53 pages.

It says here that the result of this scenario will be:
“20 percent of the world's population being infected. People’s mobility will be blocked, airports will be closed. Sports events will be canceled, shops closed, theaters closed, churches astounded. A pandemic will produce shortages, including disinfectants and toilet paper. If people refuse the vaccine, they will not be allowed to travel. Political assemblies will be illegal, public protests will be banned. Martial law will be introduced, and a new global control system will come into effect. People around the world will be open to sharing their security rights.”

As much as you can argue about the various conspiracy theories about the doctrine of the Golden billion. What is it, myths or reality? From the standpoint of today's events, not recognizing the latter would be a big mistake. On what Mr. Brown insists in his further considerations.

The plan was to use a pandemic to control the planet. Not just a virus is enough for this; fear will be a great tool. This week I have spoken with different people from about thirty countries, with pastors of thousands of churches, and none of them know a single person infected with coronavirus. I do not say that it does not exist, I say that it is a weapon to control people with fear. Media is part of the whole process because they are designed to instill fear 24/7 on people.

Globalists lead us to a single government, a single monetary system and the coming of antichrist. And I believe that God raised Trump to suspend it.

There are three possible scenarios. The first is the beginning of the last days, according to the book of Revelation. But I am inclined to believe that this is a great test. Second, the World Health Organization will try to promote the globalist plan and force everyone to take a fake vaccine. The vaccine is already there. And they will kill many people with their vaccine (just like people die from a flu vaccine), because the goal of the vaccine is to reduce the world's population.

And the third scenario, to which I am inclined, is that God will overturn all this on the heads of globalists using President Trump, and will close it all over the next month. And all that they planned will come to zero. Our prayer is for God to drive the wheels out of Pharaoh’s chariots.

I don’t know how crazy the next two to three weeks will be, but you just don’t get crazy. Stay strong in the Lord, remembering that He will never leave you. There is peace in my heart.

I forbid all fear in your lives! Stop listening to lying media! You can choose to listen to the media and scamper in fear, like hens that have their heads chopped off, or stand on God's word that will keep its people at this time.

When doctors say that they cannot do anything, when bankers say that they cannot do anything, when the heads of administrations say that they cannot do anything, God comes to the very center of the impossible!

I agree one hundred percent. And it only remains to add that all this is consistent with the main thesis that we proclaimed for 2020: “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters fill the sea” (Hab. 2:14).
Time for the Lord to act !!! May it be so!!!


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