185 thousand in one night

Tell me, what must have happened for so many people to die in such a short period of time?
And we are not talking about ordinary people and ordinary citizens. We are talking about people armed to the teeth, who were ready to overturn any obstacles and erase cities from the face of the earth. Yes, it was a powerful army. And then, without a single shot - 185 thousand, from midnight till morning.

No, I'm not talking about coronavirus. There are worse things. COVID 19, a biological weapon, has a material origin.

But the weapons that God used that night, that virus, that radiation, those abnormal deadly vibrations, whatever you want to call it, were a thousand times more effective than any weapons on earth. For it has a spiritual origin. The word of God, avoiding material and physical designations, calls this phenomenon sacred and mysterious. Just A destroyer of an Angel.

That there, in Egypt, where all the first-born were destroyed in one night, I think there were a lot of them. That on this night, in the Assyrian military camp near Jerusalem. First of all, it is a night watch, a night operation.
Second, the Lord uses these special weapons to protect his chosen people.

I say this only so that we may fully believe that as the sky is high above the earth, so our Lord is greater and more powerful than all our enemies.

Compare the statistics – the number of death cases from coronovirus is somewhere up to 20 thousand in six months nation-wise. And here 185 thousand for one night. The difference is glaring.

This is our Lord, who is jealous of his people, and is ready to once again demonstrate to his enemies the latest technologies of the most modern weapons of the Kingdom of Heaven.

This was the topic of the last online session on Wednesday. Join us as we bring to your attention the sermon "Hope that guarantees salvation".


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